Sunday, March 18, 2007

Not the Yukon

I have had to say this a number of times over the past couples of weeks. OK, I haven't HAD to say it - I CHOSE to say it. When we tell someone we're moving to Canada, 9/10 of them ask, "Canada? Which part?" (the other tenth ask, " Why Canada?" We tell them Nova Scotia, but, either way, we mostly get things like "Brrr. You'd better buy a warm coat!" or "Brrr. You're gonna be cold!" or "Brrr. Hope you like snow!"

I have taken to saying,"we're moving to Nova Scotia, not the Yukon." I may go on to add that they get more snow than us, but the average temperature is about like ours, or a couple degrees cooler. The temperature range tends to be less extreme since the ocean tempers the climate. The summer will be cooler, yes. Sometime I remind them that it looks more arctic than it is because we tend to look at rectangular maps of a spherical planet. Nova Scotia's latitude is lower then much of Maine. I don't think I sound defensive, just like a weather/geography nerd. Yea.(btw, check out this website - NS is about on the 44th parallel. Our current location is at 40.1)

Nova Scotia is known as Canada's Ocean Playground - that's what the license plates say. Although I think they should say "Nova Scotia - Not the Yukon".

The DH and I watched The Perfect Storm the other day. I'd seen it before but this time around I actually knew the areas they're talking about. I mentioned it to Easel (cause she likes Clooney and suspense/disaster movies), but she said a movie about hurricanes would freak her out. She's asked several times if Nova Scotia gets hurricanes - she's very worried about this. Weird, since we currently live in TORNADO ALLEY and have two tornado seasons a year! Although they don't always touch down near our specific house, they occur at least annually, and they're scarier because you get much less notice than you would in a hurricane. Another difference is that in a hurricane, you get to leave your home and go stay in a hotel. In a tornado, you run down to the basement and sit on top of dirty laundry. Plus, hurricanes have names, which is kinda like a pet, only ... not. Anyway, we've assured her that NS has only experienced hurricanes very infrequently and they have not caused much damage.

Oh yeah, another good movie is Stranger than Fiction - loved it. Not to be confused with Strangers with Candy. Totally different movie.


Dagromm said...

I watched Stranger Than Fiction the other day. It was good even if it was a little depressing that the main character would rather die for art than live his life which he finds meaningless. All in all I have to give it an A-.

Q said...

I hated Strangers with Candy. That might be the worst idea for a TV show/Movie I have ever seen. If I had to give it a grade I guess I would give it an A-...

plug said...

He wasn't gonna die for art, he was gonna die to save that kid's life. I think. I thought. I don't know. But I liked it.

I like Amy Sedaris but I have never liked Strangers with Candy either. That character is just too much like some people I know through my work as a phrenologist.