Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old Flame

I recently got back in touch with an old flame. I had looked for him off & on over the last few years. Unless you're searching for someone with a name like Engelbert Humperdink, it can be very difficult to locate someone with whom you've lost touch. Since I would never date someone named Engelbert (much less Humperdink), I had some trouble. Also, I didn't know if he had moved away from the area in which we grew up, but that's where I concentrated my search.

Each time I renewed my search, I found several people with the same name. That's not really a help. But this time, I found a link to Facebook and voila! That was better, because then I could verify (through Facebook photo) that I had the right guy.

Now, I'm not on "the Facebook" as I like to call it when I'm feeling like a fogey. In general, I like to keep my web-print small and light. And I didn't join the Facebook just to contact Old Flame either. But, I was led to Linked In and I did join it; it appears to be a more business networking site. (I haven't included much in my profile however. I guess I'm not sure the phrenology community is into this kind of thing.) Whatever - it got me an email address so I took the plunge. I wrote to O.F. and got a lovely reply very quickly. He sent me a picture of himself + sibs + wife which was cool. Also, Rake asked me if this is the one she told me looked like a hillbilly. (It's not.) I told her no, this is the preppy one, though I'm not sure preppy has the same meaning as it did in the 80's. (OK, I don't think they even say "preppy" anymore.)

Now the anxiety of reciprocating . . .

I'd like to send a shot of the kids (they're usually photogenic) with me hiding in the background. So, I'm off to look in the files I can access to see if I can find some decent pics.

Whadda you think? Have you reconnected with someone via the interweb?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanks-Gibbon

Isn't he cute? Don't you just want to tell him all the things you're thankful for?

This evening at dinner we each wrote on a card at least three things for which we are thankful. The common themes were family, laughter, and Obama.

Captain Soulpatch was with us for dinner which was fun. Polio got to come over for a couple of hours before heading off to work to prep for tomorrow - their biggest day of the year. We made our train reservations for Christmas.

I am thankful that this year, though I did the bulk of the cooking, a third of the cleaning, and all the shopping/planning, I didn't have to deconstruct the turkey and store the leftovers. A decent trade-off.

Rake has gotten her acceptance to Indiana University in Bloomington. This is Soulpatch's first choice and Rake's second or third. It is a great theater school and overall university. Her first choice is still Columbia College but she hasn't completed her essay for them yet. I'm sure she'll get in.

The twins turned 15 last Tuesday. Wow. Very opinionated and smart, passionate and strong-willed they are. Most days I see these traits as positive assets though they can be a trial. Despite (because of?) this I lvoe them dearly. They are growing up to be very nice young people.

Work is ... mmm, this one is tough. We have a couple of people in the community who are doing their best to stir up trouble for us in any way they can. I have some troublemakers within as well, though two of them have given their notice. I'm glad on the one hand, but dealing with their sudden departures is stressful. Plus they are stirring the pot a little before they leave. The management team (of which I'm a part) is being super supportive, and that helps. We keep plugging along and looking on the bright side. 2010 will bring a lot of changes.

I think the turley is making me reflective. I'm going to stop now. Besides, I can hear from the other room that the post-feast movie is over and the board games are about to commence.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some weeks just suck, you know?

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hey y'all! The DH and I are sitting at home with chips and salsa and World War Z (a book ostensibly about zombies but really about global response to crisis). Easel (dressed as Batman) and Sandbox (dressed as an escaped hospital patient) are at a party. Rake and Soulpatch (matching pirates) are out getting Chinese food before they settle in for some scary movies.

It's been a tough week at work - two steps forward one step back. We have jobs though so I guess I won't complain. Polio is determined to fly to TX for Christmas. That leaves us driving down, dates undetermined. We need to confer with some family members on the other side of the family. Wish I could say more definitively but I can 't. It ain't all up to me.

Nothing much to report. Had a birthday - that was pretty cool. The kids surprised me with some nice gifts. I'll leave you with a picture for Halloween.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Bits

Last weekend was a marching band competition. The DH and I were chaperones for this overnight event in Chicago. Sandbox had to be at school at 5:45am to go run in a cross country race in another town. There are 6 or 7 kids that run and do band. So they joined us in the Chicago 'burb where the competition was held. There was some stiff competition and a couple of really great shows. The next day we went to a China Day parade, a 5k walk for the American Lung Association, and a long bus ride home. But the DH and I are getting old and the weekend took its toll on us.

During the week there were practicies, rehearsals, and drama auditions.

Both girls did well and have call backs this week.

Yesterday, there was more running and more marching band. (I hope Sandbox will blog about his cross country experience - he's doing well). Our band placed third and our colorguard placed 1st! So it was a good time. The DH went along to do sound (there are mics and speakers for a voiced over section) so I had the whole day to myself.

So, what did I do?


More like ...

Yes, I had to organize my office. It was a blessing to not feel guilt for neglecting the family while I did it. Guess what? It took me 8 hours and I still could put in another 4 to really complete the job. I made some real headway and I didn't uncover any overdue forgotten tasks (my fear). I have an admin assistant but i wasn't in a position to utilize her jsut yet since I didn't know what the categories for sorting/filing were yet. Also, some info is above her pay grade so to speak, so I couldn't just set her loose on the papers. But, now my system is in place. I feel good about it.

Last bit - This morning at church, two boys were playing "nut wars." At least that's what they were calling it. Basicallym they were gathering acorns in their shirts, then hurling them at each other across the stairway where people enter the church school building. Loads of fun.

Friday, September 18, 2009


I read LIT's comments on my last post and decided to write about the last movie I saw. First, though, I thought I'd make sure she hadn't posted about the same flick. Sure enough she saw it recently and mentioned it, as did my sister Goo. Here are my thoughts:

First, I too love Meryl Streep. AND, I think Stanley Tucci is HOT. I think Amy Adams is great too.

Second, I heard that the movie would make me hungry even if I'd eaten already. Not really. I smuggled in a diet Coke and had some left over reeses pieces in my purse so I was ok on that front. But I lusted after the clothes, the jewelry, the shoes, the hats, the gloves, the lamps, rugs, furniture, frames, and mouldings in the scenes from the 1940's. Aahh ... my era in many ways.

Third, I really hoped the movie would inspire me to cook or clean my kitchen. Nope. I felt a bit like buying some good knives or an old apron. But I still want someone else to cook and clean for me.

Two nights before that, I saw Extract with the DH. I had medium high hopes for this movie since I loved Office space which was written by the same guy. But this film was a bit disappointing. There were a few laughs and a couple of characters I would have liked to see more developed. I would recommend you wait for the DVD. In honor of Dagromm, I give it a solid A+.

My dirty little secret: (not so secret now) I like some really stupid TV. I use my job as an excuse. I rationalize that since I have such a stressful job where I hear all kinds of crap, abuse, horror, and chaos, I compensate with mindless formulaic trash. Yes, I watch Project Runway & Top Chef (probably the least embarassing of this list). But I also liek the real Housewives of Atlanta, Say Yes to the Dress, America's Next Top Model. When the family's not around to mock me, I watch Toddlers & Tiaras. I can't really explain why I am fascinated by this show but there it is. The proverbial car wreck. Current family fave: Glee. If you haven't seen it, catch old episodes online then start watching.

Finally, in case I didn't mention it, Sandbox and Easel are being confirmed this Sunday. And my first baby, Polio, will be 22 (gasp 22!) in just over 2 weeks. Also, Rake and I went to the college fair last night and are planning some visits soon. !!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good Eatin'

I am trying to institute a quick weekly post.
Today the DH and I went to the Windy City for a training. Lunch was not provided so we had to find it on our own. So sad. I wanted to try the Mexican restaurant owned by the guy who won Top Chef Masters which I watched enviously over the last few weeks. Rick Bayless was my favorite the whole time and when he won I decided to try to go to one of his restaurants as soon as I had a chance. Today was the day and it was awesome! I had a chicken with his signature mole sauce. The DH had a shrimp dish with mangos, cilantro, and some other great stuff.

The lady at the next table ordered some habanero sauce and, despite the waiter's warning, blopped about a tablespoonful on her date's tortilla. I really thought he was going to hurl. He sat wordless for about fifteen minutes and drank two glasses of milk. The lady giggled and apologized but I would have decked her.

Anyway, good eatin'! Next time - dessert!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'bout time!

I’ve been putting off writing in this fershluggin’ blog, waiting for something good to say. Or the time to say it right. Or the patience to revie the past 9 months.Or whatever. Anyway, this will never happen if I wait for the perfect moment or turn of phrase, so here goes.

Since I last blogged, I’ve moved back to the US, taken a very demanding job as clinical director of a large child welfare agency, and am hard at work trying to clean up someone else’s mess. That is, the guy I replaced let a lot of things slide and the ship is full of holes as it were.

I am trying to run a tighter ship and I put in long long days. I think I am appreciated and I can see some differences already. It wasn’t difficult to establish my authority, which is nice, and I feel supported in my efforts. It was a rewarding career move.

We are adjusting well for the most part although one of the teenagers (the one who had the hardest time adjusting to Canada) is pissed that we moved back and is having trouble accepting that we’re back for good. Ah well, I’ve found that if you just accept that you cannot and will not win, ever, you are much better off. However, we will all miss many things about Nova Scotia!

I am stoked about our new president and was so choked up today. It would have been immensely cool to have been there for the inauguration. I have been living vicariously through my sister and bragging that she is working the inaugural prayer service at the cathedral and will hopefully get to shake his hand. We’ll be watching your blog, Goo, to see how your day went. I haven’t called because I know you are super busy right now getting ready and also because I am a loser. I love you!!