Thursday, February 4, 2010

(my comments from the last post got too long so I pasted it here)
Yeah, yeah, I know. I just need to whine a bit myself.

There's a woman at church who fell a couple of weeks ago and broke her ankle. She did it on campus, not in her front yard. And she lives alone - no kids or partner that I know of. So that's got to be a big drag.

We called the patient advisory nurse last night because the pain was so bad and the wrappings felt too tight. She told us to unwrap and even cut the cotton if necessary. He felt so much relief (relatively speaking that is) after we loosened the wrappings that we didn't cut the other stuff. I'm glad too because I did not want to see what was under there. He also upped one of the meds to help knock him out. To hell with blurred vision! Let him sleep!

Thanks for the good wishes/prayers. Oh yeah, I didn't pay much attention to the weather on Tuesday. I got up at 4:30 to take Rake to the polling place since she was working as an election judge (even though she couldn't vote yet). Then I was up and down all day, so I fell asleep a couple of times in my chair. I think it was grey and overcast.


jaz said...

Gray and overcast. Sounds like a lot of the election days I worked as a judge. I hope Rake has a fun and exciting group of people working with her.

Congrats on getting to take a nap of sorts. That had to be a good thing.

Are you planning a play date for the two ankle-breakers? They can commiserate and compare.

LIT said...

It sounds as if you are taking off the whole week to tend the reluctant and pain filled patient. Sorry I can't be there to help out and, at least, give you some rest. It's never just one person's problem is it? You were all in our prayers tonight at Bible Workbench.

I had a snail mail from my longest standing (perhaps that is a poor word choice) friend yesterday (from 18 mos. of age) yesterday. Her father baptized me. Usually, we email but she was writing from a rehab facility. She said she had fallen making one of those night time visits to the bathroom in mid-January. She finally made it to the ER (I don't know how). She had broken the ball off her femur in the left hip. She said, "Fortunately, it was my bad hip. I no longer have to worry about bursitis since the surgeon removed the burse." She has always been one to look at the brighter side. She said her sons have remodeled her bathroom, and she is to receive prescriptions for all sorts of adaptive devices; she is not supposed to bend beyond 90 degrees in the future.

So, between the DH, my friend, and your church lady maybe that completes the cycle of three. No more injuries, please.

Love you all so very much.