ain't nobody doing a jig.
The DH is home and feeling the pain. Now that the nerve block has worn off, he is miserable. He is having some vision problems - one of the meds lists this as a common symptom, and one lists it as "rare but serious" and suggests you call your doctor right away. So, we have a call in to the doc.

Ah well, it's good to have him home. I'm grateful for your positive energy. And, thanks for nothing Punxatawney Phil.
We had snow over the weekend and there's still a great deal of ice about on the sidewalks. It makes me shudder to think about it. Glad you amde it home. Good luck witht he beginnings of recovery.
And this from my ever-lovin' page-a-day calendar:
If Candlemas Day be fair and bright,
Winter'll have another flight;
If Candlemas Day be clouds and rain,
Winter be gone and'll not come again.
How's the weather today?
Why is it sick or injured people are always nicer to strangers than to the people who love and care for them? I'm not a phrenologist like you, but I think they're just putting on a false face with others whereas the true self comes out with those who already know them. Not a condemnation, just an observation. Tell him I might have to come punch him out; then he can re-evaluate what pain is!
Weather here was unexpectedly pleasant. Predictions were for clouds and drizzle, but it was sunny though a little chilly. I'll take that any day. Guess that means more super cold days and frigid nights. Uh-oh!
I had had a few kids at the detention center tell me when they are upset they can be rude to someone they knows cares and will forgive. It is safe to not pretend at home. Snap at a nurse and who knows whether anyone will come later and help you to the bathroom, bring your supper, or shut off the light.
This is a sign he loves you and knows you love him!
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