Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Choral Francais

We have decided to attend the Anglican Cathedral of All Saints here in Halifax.
I tried a church or two before the family arrived, but it's not much fun to attend by one's self, plus one of them was too low church for me.

The twins and I tried out St. George's round church. We had heard that the new organist/choirmaster was top notch and we were, of course, looking for a place for the gang to sing. We met him and he was cordial but not terribly welcoming. Even though he has worked with children in the past (according to web research), he didn't seem very excited about our kids singing for him. Afterwards, the twins were talking about how they didn't think they really wanted to sing this year, blah, blah. I told them we aren't paying for a choir course next summer if they don't sing this year. Plus, I knew this was just a reaction to the lame reception.

The next week, I suggested we try a big church I'd seen on the way to work - St. Philip's. Ugly modern buildings but big, so I thought it might have kids. Wrong. Before we even sat down, we knew this was a mistake. Easel stage-whispered "this is an OLD people's church!" She was right but they were too old to hear us or they may have been offended. The "choir" was three white haired ladies in what looked to me to be Presbyterian robes, and they were singing praise music (yuck. and yuck). I sent a note down to the DH (we were book-ending the kids in the pew) that it wasn't too late to ditch this joint and go elsewhere. He gave me the thumbs up, and we snuck out right after the Gospel. The kids were mortified - "I can't believe we just snuck out of church!!" I assured them that we were leaving to go to another church, not the bar, so I thought we would be forgiven.

We took ourselves over to the cathedral where we were warmly welcomed. The hymnals had music in them (the others hadn't - just lyrics), the architecture was suitably gothic, and the choir director was pleasantly eager to have our voices. I think he was a bit dubious about the kids until the DH gave him a CD of our choir back home. He was quite excited and, I think, very impressed, when he heard them last Thursday.
The family wanted me to try singing with them.

Now, I have sat in on numerous intensive choir rehearsals when I was a proctor for the RSCM so I know I am barely qualified - I have minimal music reading ability and a limited alto range. But, they really wanted me to do it, and I thought it'd be a good opportunity to teach, by example, how one approaches something they feel ill-prepared for and always behind the curve. The kids came home the first day or two from school moaning about how behind they are in French compared to their classmates. After giving them the "stick with it and you'll improve,; it's OK to struggle a bit and not be the best" speeches several times, it seemed a good idea to put my money where my mouth is. So - I'm in the choir too.

The first rehearsal was interesting. We showed up and basically doubled the choir with our presence (the group that comes on Thursday is quite small). The soprano section leader looked a little uneasy about our 12-yr-olds but our kids (all 3) blew their socks off if I do say so myself. It was a big challenge for me. It helps me to be next to a strong voice and I wasn't. Plus, I have heard many of those pieces before, but I was always listening to my kids (mostly) and that means focusing on the soprano parts. I wanted to quit about 20 minutes in, but hung in there and didn't embarass myself too badly. The robes are gross polyester but, what are ya gonna do?

The kids have now completed one whole week of school. Sandbox is enjoying it, Rake is making friends and is embracing the tougher curriculum, and Easel hates it. She's having the hardest time adjusting and accepting that we live here now. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

You're in choir? That's EXCELLENT!!!!! Of course your kids blew their socks off, and I bet it was fun to watch, too.

Little Miss has started choristers and is having a really good time. Hopefully, she'll be eager to show off to the "big choristers" when you guys visit in December. Little Mister is mad because we won't let him be a chorister, too.

plug said...

Good for Little Miss!! Who else is in there? And poor Little Mister - I remember those days. Sometimes, my only hope of getting them to behave in church was to remind them that "Linda's watching you" and that they wouldn't get to be a chorister if they couldn't keep quiet and sit relatively still. Man, that was a better threat than Santa Claus - he was only good for a month or so - Linda was year-round.

I look like the Vicar of Dibley except we're in purple cassocks. Instead of the buttons down the front, it's velcro at the collar. Like I said, kinda gross but we'll live.

Tonight, Sandbox went to a rehearsal for the Halifax Boys Honour Choir. We're mainly looking for like-minded boys to make friends with. Anyway, at the end, one other boy had his "audition" - he jsut had to sing O Canada. Sandbox didn't know the words of course, so he sang Non Nobis. Then she had him do scales and I didn't know he could go that high! After that we inquired about the girls' equivalent choir (for Easel) and left our contact info. The director of that choir called within about two hours - word had gotten around that Sandbox had a twin with the same training. It's cool - I am proud. Now, if I can just get her to try it. grr...

jaz said...

Lucky for all involved the Oyster hasn't tried to sing in public much. And they don't start choristers here until 3rd grade. Maybe by then she will be ready. Glad to hear you have something fun for the whole family!

We are also seeking the perfect church. We went to the evening service at the Cathedral and not one person greeted us. It was pretty obvious everyone else was on the regular list so they all knew it was our first time. Oh well--maybe the day service is more friendly.

Sandbox said...

Little Miss?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG.YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!