OK - Who knew "porn sting guy" would generate so much interest? I guess primetime TV programmers, that's who. I went out to the juvie today to meet with him. I liked him actually and he's much worse on paper.
The house - I found several places I liked. I narrowed it down to two, then found out that one of them doesn't offer bus service and the twins would have to walk about two miles to school. Nope. So that made the decision easier. Then, the owners found out that their transfer isn't taking effect till the end of July. So our place isn't available till August 1st. Bummer. I was afraid the DH would say they would stay in the Midwest till then but he didn't. Yay! He said they'll come up her in mid-July anyway and we'll figure it out then. I'm glad, 'cause I miss my family. Now I've just gotta find us a place for two weeks.
- - Some observations since I've been here - -
The parking lots are designed very tightly here. There's not a lot of room to back out and there are way fewer big cars on the road.
You can't seem to buy Naproxin over the counter. I might start a petition or something.
We say the radio station is 95 point 1. Here they say 96 dot 1. Hmm.
Milk is very expensive up this way. I've heard there are only three cows in Nova Scotia.
Back home in the Midwest, our stupidest local commercial for discount furniture involves a guy decking himself out like a rock star and giving away free onions with your purchase. Here, the stupidest local commercial for discount furniture involves two people dressed up like fishermen catching someone in a lobster suit.
Seems like every place is scent free. The hospitals, the gym, the schools too I think. I accidentally left my favorite fragrance at home when I drove up here so I've been going without. Last Saturday, I visited the perfume counter and squirted on some Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue (my latest favorite). I'd forgotten how much I love to smell pretty. I kept sniffing my wrists and sighing (with a dumb grin on my face no doubt). Well, now I'm thinking "screw you people and your sissy allergies! I want my perfume!"
The judges on Canadian Idol and Canada's Next Top Model are nicer than back home, but the contestants on each program are just as, um, .. interesting. Not that I watch those shows or anything. I'm just saying.
The house - I found several places I liked. I narrowed it down to two, then found out that one of them doesn't offer bus service and the twins would have to walk about two miles to school. Nope. So that made the decision easier. Then, the owners found out that their transfer isn't taking effect till the end of July. So our place isn't available till August 1st. Bummer. I was afraid the DH would say they would stay in the Midwest till then but he didn't. Yay! He said they'll come up her in mid-July anyway and we'll figure it out then. I'm glad, 'cause I miss my family. Now I've just gotta find us a place for two weeks.
- - Some observations since I've been here - -
The parking lots are designed very tightly here. There's not a lot of room to back out and there are way fewer big cars on the road.
You can't seem to buy Naproxin over the counter. I might start a petition or something.
We say the radio station is 95 point 1. Here they say 96 dot 1. Hmm.
Milk is very expensive up this way. I've heard there are only three cows in Nova Scotia.
Back home in the Midwest, our stupidest local commercial for discount furniture involves a guy decking himself out like a rock star and giving away free onions with your purchase. Here, the stupidest local commercial for discount furniture involves two people dressed up like fishermen catching someone in a lobster suit.
Seems like every place is scent free. The hospitals, the gym, the schools too I think. I accidentally left my favorite fragrance at home when I drove up here so I've been going without. Last Saturday, I visited the perfume counter and squirted on some Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue (my latest favorite). I'd forgotten how much I love to smell pretty. I kept sniffing my wrists and sighing (with a dumb grin on my face no doubt). Well, now I'm thinking "screw you people and your sissy allergies! I want my perfume!"
The judges on Canadian Idol and Canada's Next Top Model are nicer than back home, but the contestants on each program are just as, um, .. interesting. Not that I watch those shows or anything. I'm just saying.
So, does this mean that "porn sting guy" is going to get you as a central figure on PBS?---the evening news?---a docu-drama? If it's the last one, I choose Sandra Bullock to be you (I love her snorty laugh). " he's much worse on paper"--- isn't his alleged crime on paper? Or screen?
Are you renting from a military family? Not too worried about milk costs; how much is wine?
Stupid commercials appear to be universal.
Do they have signs with a nose in a circle and a line across it to outlaw fragrance?
You will undoubtedly come up with a creative housing solution. You're that kind of gal.
I guess you'll just have to save smelling pretty for DH. That makes perfume illicit. How exciting!
Good luck on the Canadian Code of Ethics for Phrenologists exam tomorrow.
"Do they have signs with a nose in a circle and a line across it to outlaw fragrance?" Apparently there's one in the liquor store that has a guy peeing - a problem in liquor stores I guess.
Lit- I don't understand you're first question. Nobody's making any movies of this guy - too small time. I haven't bought any wine so I don't know the prices. I'm working on the housing.
Pip - True, it does lend an air (excuse the pun) of illicitness. But I'd rather wear it every day.
Oh yeah - I passed !! I knew I would but it's nice to be over that hurdle.
Rah! Rah! and a tiger for you!
You said: OK - Who knew "porn sting guy" would generate so much interest? I guess primetime TV programmers, that's who.
Thought that mean you encountered cameras/crew when you went to see the guy. Oh, well.
Any ideas on temp housing for the whole family yet?
I still don't understand why you haven't given a full description of the house with pictures!!
"We say the radio station is 95 point 1. Here they say 96 dot 1. Hmm." Well, so they add a number and change the word, how wierd.
Are you kidding about the cows?
I think you forgot to mention how the onion guy goes,"and we're going DOWNER DOWNER DOWNER!!!"
I want Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue too, I say we get it for eachother for christmas!!!!
oooh I bet you're hooked to those shows. I have been meaning to ask you, have you kept up with So You Think You Can Dance because I have forgotten all about it which is weird because I have been looking forward to it since Benji won last year!
Rake - you should totally watch it - Benjie's sister is int he sompetition. I have been watching it and loving it.
I don't want to brag about the house - it's fab and big. Maybe I'll write about it after we've lived there a while.
i haven't kept up with my stories either. but i imagine they're much better in canada.
well at least he's interesting and not that bad. do you know/are you allowed to tell the details of this sting? sounds dramatic. how do you conduct a porn sting anyway?
actually wait, it's prolly best not to know.
btw i had a dream about when everyone joins you in NS. i was happy for you guys, but also very lonely. just thought you should know.
Are the judges for Canadian Idol actually the McKenzie brothers?
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