Monday, March 24, 2008


A quick recap since the last post:

Christmas - was all right. Rather subdued but the visit from Goo was a highlight. Lots of snow.

New Year's - was all right. Goo was still there and we had a small party. We had a dark-haired guest go outside and ring the doorbell and be the first across the threshold in the new year for good luck (like they do in Scotland?). Sampled some horrible Indiana wine - I don't recommend it.

January - Went to court and worked on some more high profile cases. Stress. Interesting. Good times. Also, lots of snow.

February - The DH turned 47. It snowed. Money troubles, the kids got good grades. More snow.

March - were going to travel to our old stomping grounds to see our oldest son and, of course, visit friends but decided to put it off for two weeks. The kids took it well. It meant we'd be there for Easter. Snow.

The day we left, we got a late start because we waited for the freezing rain to turn to rain. Then in New Brunswick, we encountered a freakin' blizzard. You know what a blizzard is? SNOW. The next day was high winds, but day three of the drive was beautiful and clear. We made it in time for church and had a great reunion!

Easter Sunday was more church and more reunion, inlcuding one with our favorite Mexican restaurant. After lunch, it snowed. Naps, then communal dinner with friends. Aahh.

Met our son's girlfriend. She's smart and pretty and has a good sense of humor. Day 1 has been good.


Auntie Em said...

It is so good to hear you are alive, well and living in SNOW. It is 70 and sunny here today. Sorry!

Did you get your tools for Christmas?
Everytime I go in the garage to get a tool or use the power tools, I think of you.

jaz said...

Hey--it snowed here one day. For about an hour you could actually see it on the grass. Then it melted.

I sure do miss you, but I don't miss SNOW. Not at all.

plug said...

I did not get tools but I got some wonderful cashmere socks and leather gloves. I did alright.

I miss you guys too. I have acclimated to the cold somewhat and the snow, but I am over the "romance" of shoveling one's driveway. I can take the snow as long as I get sun on a regular basis.

Rake said...

Wow, thanks mom for totally mentioning your oldest daughter's 16 birthday in your February section!!!