Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Something strange is afoot on I-74

On the way to work this morning, I saw a semi bearing the logo for York Casket Company barrelling down the highway. This is like the fourth casket truck I've seen in less than a week. They've all been heading east. They've all been driving fast. What's your theory?

p.s. I don't know yet how to put photos on here but, in trying to find something relevent, I found Check it out. Also the button at the bottom of my computer screen says,
"caskets - Yahoo!"


Dagromm said...

My theory is that it's a bulk funeral home. They save you money, by not using an individual hearse for each person, but instead loding everyone into a semi. You still get there but at a lower cost. You know, like if Wal-Mart did funerals.

plug said...

I never thought of that. That would explain the 6 miles of cars with their headlights on following behind. Thanks.

DixieDallas said...

You guys are so funny (and I'm serious).