Monday, February 26, 2007

My 19-yr old son has warned me not to become a "blog ho." Is that one who will read anyone's blog indiscriminately or one who writes a lot? I am discriminating when it comes to reading them. There's so much to choose from, why waste my time on people's boring online journals and blather? Writing a lot myself? We'll see. . .

Sitting here watching the Oscars. Love the comedians' lament, Forrest Whitaker's speech, and Gwyneth Paltrow's dress. Ellen rocks by the way. Helen Mirren is beautiful and Clooney is freakin' hot. Can we just retire Jack Nicholson? Why is he there handing out the Oscar for Best Picture? He must have dirt on a bunch of people. Diane Keaton sure looks good though. "Bout time Pilobolus got on TV! Gawd, remember when Debbie Allen used to choreograph those tired dance numbers to all the nominated songs? We've come a long way baby.

The 15 yr old wants to go to NYU film school. That's before she heard it mentioned on the show tonight too. I think it would be awesome. She promised to thank me when she wins her own statuette. You heard it here.


fringes said...

You should get a better definition of blog ho. I think your son meant something else.

Welcome to the blogosphere.

plug said...

My guess is that, being 19, he thinks the blogosphere belongs to his generation or something and that my attempt at blogging is like me trying to dance or be cool. Embarassing and futile. ... hey that's a good name for my rock band.