Tuesday, February 27, 2007


People who annoy the crap out of me because they share their personal stuff with the whole world despite its inappropriate content or mind-numbing boringness, or said person's obnoxious voice or the fact that the whole world is not interested and is doing other things:

  • grocery store bag boy chatting with another bag boy about some chick they hate
  • toothless lady on her cell phone at Goodwill
  • loud people on the bus
  • large girl planning her wedding at Borders Cafe hyped up on bridal magazines and coffee
  • bad parents giving out parenting advice in our waiting room
  • recently hired co-worker sharing the woes of dating a guy with a micropenis
  • anyone who wants to tell me about their love of NASCAR
  • Britney Spears


Dagromm said...

Oh no!!! I always hoped girls didn't talk about stuff like that!

Nate said...

yeah! bridal planning is so boorrring

Q said...

Umm, I have to go do some extreme damage control if women will talk about that with people they hardly know...

Gyuss you read the micropenis part right how could you be worried about bridal planning?

fringes said...

Poor micropenis guy.

Dagromm said...

Unfortunately my promotional campaign of "4 inches is the new 6 inches" hasn't taken off like I had hoped.

Q said...

It has with me Dagromm. Unfortunately that still leaves me a little below average, but any gains are an improvement.