Isn't he cute? Don't you just want to tell him all the things you're thankful for?
This evening at dinner we each wrote on a card at least three things for which we are thankful. The common themes were family, laughter, and Obama.
Captain Soulpatch was with us for dinner which was fun. Polio got to come over for a couple of hours before heading off to work to prep for tomorrow - their biggest day of the year. We made our train reservations for Christmas.
I am thankful that this year, though I did the bulk of the cooking, a third of the cleaning, and all the shopping/planning, I didn't have to deconstruct the turkey and store the leftovers. A decent trade-off.
Rake has gotten her acceptance to Indiana University in Bloomington. This is Soulpatch's first choice and Rake's second or third. It is a great theater school and overall university. Her first choice is still Columbia College but she hasn't completed her essay for them yet. I'm sure she'll get in.
The twins turned 15 last Tuesday. Wow. Very opinionated and smart, passionate and strong-willed they are. Most days I see these traits as positive assets though they can be a trial. Despite (because of?) this I lvoe them dearly. They are growing up to be very nice young people.
Work is ... mmm, this one is tough. We have a couple of people in the community who are doing their best to stir up trouble for us in any way they can. I have some troublemakers within as well, though two of them have given their notice. I'm glad on the one hand, but dealing with their sudden departures is stressful. Plus they are stirring the pot a little before they leave. The management team (of which I'm a part) is being super supportive, and that helps. We keep plugging along and looking on the bright side. 2010 will bring a lot of changes.
I think the turley is making me reflective. I'm going to stop now. Besides, I can hear from the other room that the post-feast movie is over and the board games are about to commence.